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Basics level free certification course on Industrial Safety Management
5.0 (152 ratings)
Language: English
Instructors: Mukesh Behra
Why this course?
Course: Basics of Industrial Safety Management (BISM)
Course Objectives
The management of all activities and events inside the industry is referred to as industrial safety in the context of occupational safety and health. This is done in order to protect the assets and personnel of the company by reducing hazards, risks, accidents, and near misses. For the best protection feasible, the majority of the issues have been handled by pertinent legislation, compliance, and industry best practices. Employers are required to aggressively enforce these in order to ensure the greatest level of safety.
This course is developed to provide students with the adequate basic knowledge required to understand and help them become competent Safety Professionals.
Why should one take this certification?
The main objectives of this course are to give students a basic understanding of the fundamental ideas, duties, and objectives of industrial safety management in industries.
There is no prerequisite for this course.
Who Should Attend?
This course is ideal for those who are responsible for Operation Management, Production Managers / Supervisors, and safety officers.
Email: or
Mobile: +91-8094078781/7073111630
Course Duration: 02 hr (appx)
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